Cyberniaga Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Cyberniaga is a platform designed to empower user and sellers by providing the technology and tools to create personalized website/online stores for information, selling products and services.

In the vast online marketplace that fosters creativity and innovation, certain activities conflict with Cyberniaga’s mission and vision to establish information and e-commerce as a secure, efficient, and automated platform for seamless buying and selling.

To maintain this vision, Cyberniaga has established an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) that outlines activities prohibited on the platform. Below is a detailed list of these restrictions:

Prohibited Activities on Cyberniaga

1. Derogatory Content

The publication of any content, whether text, video, audio, or graphics, that aims to insult, humiliate, or mock others is strictly forbidden on Cyberniaga’s platform.

2. Illegal Activities

Any activities prohibited under Malaysian law are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, content in the form of text, graphics, videos, or audio.

3. Intellectual Property Violations

Misuse of legally protected intellectual property, as defined by Malaysian or international law, is strictly prohibited. Users must obtain verified written permission from the intellectual property owner before promoting or selling related products or services.

4. Terrorist-Related Content

Cyberniaga strictly prohibits terrorist organizations from engaging in any activities, including propaganda, fundraising, information dissemination, or the sale of products and services.

5. Heresy Teachings

Teachings deemed deviant or misguided by the Malaysian Islamic Council or Department are prohibited. This includes using Cyberniaga to promote such teachings including promoting products/services, fundraise, or spread dakyah related messages.

6. Dangerous Products

The promotion or sale of dangerous products or services, as defined by Malaysian law, is prohibited.

7. Misuse of Buyer Data

Buyer data provided to users by Cyberniaga may only be used for marketing and follow-up purposes related to the user’s products or services. Sharing, selling, or using this data for unrelated purposes is strictly forbidden.

8. Stolen Products

The sale of any products or services, whether physical or digital, obtained through theft is strictly prohibited.

9. Pornographic Content

Content involving obscene text, graphics, videos, or sounds is not permitted, regardless of intent (e.g., sales or information dissemination).

10. Pyramid and Ponzi Schemes

MLM (Multi-Level Marketing): Selling products is allowed, but promoting registration without product purchases is prohibited.

Ponzi Schemes: All Ponzi-related activities, including promotion and advertising, are strictly forbidden.

11. Gambling Activities

Products, services, or activities related to gambling or contests classified as gambling by Islamic Religious Councils in Malaysia are strictly prohibited.

Enforcement and Compliance

  • Cyberniaga reserves the right to remove content, suspend, or terminate user accounts without prior notice if these guidelines are violated.
  • Cyberniaga may monitor and investigate any material uploaded to users' e-commerce websites in accordance with the AUP, Terms of Service (ToS), or any agreement between the user and Cyberniaga.
  • Determinations regarding policy violations are final, and any resulting actions will be taken at Cyberniaga’s sole discretion.

By adhering to this policy, users contribute to a safer and more reliable e-commerce environment for all.

Have questions or need clarification?

We’re here to assist you! Reach out to us via our email.